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TITLE DEXTUpload.NET Extension v1.7.0.0 Released ( incl. detail info. & past release info.)
DATE 09-12-2014
DEXTUpload Pro Extension v1.7.0.0 (Released on 21 Oct 2011)
1. Bug Patch
- Corrected the error that can not transfer the items of file list from FileUploadManager to
FileUploadMonitor because of changes in the JavaScript engine of Internet Explorer 9.

2. Improvement
- Support for virtual path and network path at the time of image processing
- Support image preview in the FileUploadManager.
- Support tooltip in image preview.
- Support drag and drop to image preview.
- Support execute feature when you double-click the image on image preview.
- Support FileSize-Column Visible property in the ListView.
- Support FileName-Column Width property in the ListView.
- Support non-Header in the ListViewReport mode.
- Support changing the title of Folder dialog and File dialog.
- Support downloading automatically after selecting download folder.

DEXTUpload Pro Extension v1.1.0.0 (Released on 7 Jun 2011)
1. Bug Patch
- Corrected error that can’t deliver form data properly in case that the input type of HTML tag is checkbox or radio
when transferring the form data with X Extension.

2. Improvement
- Support the event to notify the generation time of DEXTUploadX object
- Support property of ListViewSortStyle, ListViewFileStyle in edit mode of the message board
- Provide the information such as number, size, name of chosen files among the added files of the list view
- Optional message types output by set value of the limited properties when adding files
- Selectable set of the exceptional-event occurrence, in case of the limit on adding files by Filter, Rfilter property

DEXTUpload.NET Extension v1.0.0.0 (Released On 15 Apr 2011)