About DEXTUpload NJ
DEXTUploadNJ is an HTTP protocol-based server-side component that supports file upload from a web browser to a web server. It can be used in a servlet or Java Server Page (JSP) environment based on the Java platform. It is a Java version of DEXTUpload product which is served by more than 10,000 sites with the highest performance and reliability among domestic and international upload components. We recommend that you provide high-performance file upload and download services by applying to various web business environments serviced by Java environment.
Main functions
1. Supports powerful file upload
- Supports large file upload up to 2GB
- Fast upload and low system resources with JAVA technology and optimal parsing algorithms
- Remove unprocessed temporary files when uploading multiple files
- Supports overwriting, saving with new name, and automatic folder creation for uploaded files.
- Supports file upload with various form data.
- Supports uploadable file filtering and individual/full capacity limit setting.
- Flexible handling of filtered files.
- Supports for the seamless processing of form data and file names in Unicode.
- Supports unlimited high-capacity (more than 2GB) uploads in conjunction with our client products (DEXTUploadNX, DEXTUploadX5).
- Bulk upload setup completed with Web.xml setup only.
- Provides a dedicated Resolver class for uploading files in a Spring Web MVC Framework environment.
- Supports file integrity checks in conjunction with their own client products.
2. File download support
- Supports Partial Content Download.
- Supports for Partial Content Download with Range Header Only.
- Files can be downloaded at all time without being opened in the browser.
- Download files based on java.io.InputStream.
- Provides a dedicated View class for downloading files in Spring Web MVC Framework environment.
3. Support for image processing
- It can display the copyright of the image file by processing the water mark.
- Converts image files to thumbnails and scales to suit your desired size.
- Image can be flipped or rotated.
- Supports for format conversion (Convert to IBMP, JPG, GIF, PNG format).
- EXIF data support for JPG images.
System requirements
[ DEXTUpload NJ ]
1. JRE 1.6 or higher
2. Environment supporting Java Servlet
3. Jakarta EE environment not supported (Servlet 5.x, JPA 3.x, Bean Validation 3.x)
4. Spring Framework 3.0.5.Release or higher and 5.3.x or lower
5. Spring Boot 2.7.x or lower
[ DEXTUpload JK ](Separate modules with the same functions as NJ are provided depending on the system environment)
- Java 17
- Jakarta EE 9+
- Servlet 5.0
- Spring Framework 6.0.14
- Spring Boot 3.0.12
※ Supported environments tested by default are as follows. In case of other system environment, it is
recommended to test the main functions, and if necessary, please contact us in advance.
OS |
Any OS that supports Java-based WAS |
Tomcat, WebLogic, Websphere, JBoss, Jeus, JRun, Resin |
Release information
- v2.13.0 (Release date: Aug 26, 2024)
- 1. Patches
1.1. Fixed an issue where downloads would fail in Chrome series browsers when there was a comma (,) in the file name
- 2. Improvements
2.1 Support method that returns relative path of uploaded file
2.2 Modified save and saveAs methods of ImageTool class to return file save path
- DEXTUploadJK v1.1.0 (Release date: Aug 26, 2024)
- 1. Patches
1.1. Fixed an issue where downloads would fail in Chrome series browsers when there was a comma (,) in the file name
- 2. Improvements
2.1 Support method that returns relative path of uploaded file
2.2 Modified save and saveAs methods of ImageTool class to return file save path
- DEXTUploadJK v1.0.1 (Release date: Feb 20, 2024)
- 1. Patches
1.1. Resolve the phenomenon of modifying a file name if a single quote exists in the file name
1.2 Fixed a no entry to close error when a problem occurs during file compression
1.3 Fixed manual error
- 2. Improvements
2.1 Disable Download Cache by Default
- v2.12.1(Release date: Feb 20, 2024)
- 1. Patches
1.1 Resolved single quotes in file names that cause file name modification
1.2 Fixed a no entry to close error when a problem occurs during file compression
1.3 Fixed Error Closing ImageInputStream Objects in Java6 Environment
- 2. Improvements
2.1 Disable Download Cache by Default
DEXTUploadJK v1.0.0 (Release date: Jan 12, 2024)
1. DEXTUploadJK released
1.1. Additional modules added to support various JAVA environments
1.2 Supports the same functions as NJ, supports the latest environments such as JAVA17
v2.12.0 (Release date: Oct 12, 2023)
1. Improvements
1.1 Upgraded the Spring Framework Minimum Support Version to 3.1.0.RELEASE
v2.11.0 (Release date: Aug 17, 2023)
1. Improvements
1.1 Improved combination of large upload filters and DEXTUploadNJMultipartResolver
1.2 Support for 64-bit compression
1.3 Provides settings files (properties) for large upload filters
- v2.10.0 (Release date: June 15, 2023)
- 1. Improvements
1.1 Japanese samples are provided
- v2.9.0 (Release date: May 23, 2023)
- 1. Improvements
1.1 Stabilized the analysis algorithm of multipart data (boundary processing, header decoding)
1.2 Distributed the hostnameip.jar utility
1.3 Supports domain/combination licenses for fixed-term trial
- 2. Patches
2.1 Added readOnlyUntilZeroLength option to change how end of data is read.
- v2.8.0 (Release date: Mar 13, 2023)
- 1. Improvements
1.1 Added the ability to scan for file names allowed by the file system.
- 2. Patches
2.1 Fixed the phenomenon that the single quotation marks in the file name are deleted.
2.2 Modified images containing transparent channels to convert to JPG.
- v2.7.0 (Release date: Oct 05, 2022)
- 1. Improvements
1.1 Enable wildcard for file extension check
1.2 Supported for Content-Disposition without File Name when downloading
1.3 BulkSaveOption, FileSaveOption, FileDownloadOption-based storage and download methods are added
1.4 File Name Translation (NFD -> NFC) support
- 2. Patches
2.1 Modified examples using setContentType instead of setMime in MIME settings
2.2 Set system directory defaults to temporary directories
v2.6.0 (Release date: Apr 13, 2022)
1. Improvements
1.1. Supports for file integrity testing (requires collaboration with our client products)
1.2. Added a large file upload filter dedicated to SpringFramework environment
1.3. Changed sample from MavenProject to Dynamic Web Project
- v2.5.1 (Release date: February 07, 2022)
- 1. Patches
1.1. Multipart Data Analysis Algorithm Emergency Patch.
- v2.5.0 (Release date: Jan 20, 2022)
- 1. Improvements
1.1 Improved the multi-part data analysis algorithm.
1.2 Added options to mitigate the level of multi-part data analysis.
1.3 Modified to receive large file upload items in the FileUpload class.
1.4 Large file uploads also support individual file capacity limitations.
1.5 Added methods to obtain Environment object from FileItem object.
1.6 Added isFiltered method to check filtered targets in FileItem object.
1.7 Organized error messages.
- 2. Patches
2.1 When the size of the file is very small, the problem of no capacity limit is corrected.
2.2 Corrected the phenomenon that individual file capacity was not limited during flushing processing.
2.3 Modified so that errors occur normally even when multi-part data is modulated.
2.4 When flushing is processed, the filtered file is modified to be stored as 0 bytes.
- v2.4.2 (Release date: July 29, 2021)
- 1. Patches
1.1. Remove code for debugging
- v2.4.1 (Release date: June 1, 2021)
- 1. Patches
1.1. Added resources to deployment package.
- v2.4.0 (Release date: Dec 15, 2020)
- 1. Improvements
1.1. supports you to rename files to be compressed
- 2. Patches
2.1. Fixed some error messages
- v2.3.2 (Release date: Aug 14, 2019)
- 1. Patches
1.1. Fixed an issue where some domain license authentication keys were not recognized correctly
- v2.3.1 (Release date: May 30, 2019)
- 1. Patches
1.1. Remove Test Code
1.2. Modifying the phenomenon that temporary files are not removed when the compact option is true
- v2.3.0 (Release date: March 19, 2019)
- 1. Improvements
1.1. Mitigate Range Header Inspection
1.2. Deployment Package Korea/British/Japanese Multilingual Integration
2. Patches
2.1. Change client cache control expiration policy to apply max-age only
2.2. Change client default expiration date to 1 day
2.3. Correcting the issue of reading the Range Header Range.
2.4. Correcting the problem of changing to '%20' if the file name you want to download contains the '+' character.